Whether it’s brown, black, or deep red, it’s possible to change your hair color. But even the result of permanent coloring doesn’t last forever. How can you delay the application of the next dye?
It is important to note that hair grows half a millimeter per day. What may be good news for those who want their hair to grow after a haircut, will instead become a nuisance for people who dye their hair, as the growth at the roots will be quickly noticeable.
However, those who do not have time to dye their hair again or have it dyed immediately at the hairdresser can conceal it at home, at least for a short time, reports the German portal haut.de.
This is possible with so-called powder dyes. These can be applied to the growing hair at the roots, similar to eye shadow, for example, with a brush.
Special sprays also cover the natural hair color at the roots with color pigment. They are used in a similar way to hair spray.
It is important for both product groups to choose the right shade for the corresponding coloring. And, as necessary, apply it regularly with the spray or brush. Because this type of temporary dye will only last until the next hair wash.
If you want your hair to last longer, special care treatments for colored, dyed, or highlighted hair can be helpful.
Available as three-minute intensive treatments or bi-phase cures, these products often contain UV filters and repairing components and seal in the hair’s color pigments.
According to haut.de, dyed hair should ideally retain up to 90 percent of its original color shine after 30 washes.
How long the dye will stay in your hair will depend primarily on the type of coloring product.
Level 2 permanent dyes last up to 24 washes. Level 3 permanent color products are almost permanent until growth begins.