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Tinnitus: Disorders That Cause Constant Ringing In The Ear


Constantly hearing ringing in the ears without any external source causing it is a common syndrome that many people suffer from. Learn what tinnitus is and what causes it.

Have you ever heard a ringing in your ear after being in a very noisy place that nothing would stop until you were in a quiet space and after several hours? This has happened to most people, however, for some, it has lasted more than 24 hours and when they went to a specialist they discovered that they suffer from tinnitus .

According to otorhinolaryngologist César Bravo, tinnitus is the perception of a sound or buzzing inside the ear when there is no external source producing it. This noise does not exist outside the ears and is usually only perceived by the affected person.

“Tinnitus is also known as tinnitus. It is a very common symptom in many people. In the United States, many people suffer from it, but around 10 million people say that it does bother them. The rest have learned to live with it,” says the doctor.

The Medline Plus digital portal indicates that this type of ringing in the ears is not a disease in itself, but is a symptom of an undiagnosed disorder, such as age-related hearing loss, an ear injury, or a circulatory system disorder. Therefore, it can be reduced when treatments are taken for the underlying cause detected.


For her part, otorhinolaryngologist María René de León explains that, although tinnitus refers to a ringing in the ear, there may also be ringing, clicking, and roaring sounds. “Roaring sounds are when we hear as if we had water in our ear,” says the professional.

When the ringing is very loud, tinnitus can cause concentration problems and headaches. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

The noise can vary in pitch, with some people experiencing discomfort ranging from a loud squeal to a very low pitch. It can even affect your concentration and cause a headache if you hear the ringing so loudly. It is also more bothersome when it occurs in both ears.

Tinnitus can be subjective, which is characterized when only the affected person can hear it. “This is the most common type. One of the causes can be problems with the auditory nerves or diseases in the part of the brain that interprets nerve signals, which are called auditory pathways,” says De León.

There is also objective tinnitus, which is the ringing that both the patient and the doctor can perceive when performing the evaluation. According to De León, this type is caused by problems in the blood vessels or problems in the inner ear.


The causes of this discomfort are very broad, considering that it is the symptom of underlying problems. Therefore, it can be caused by something as simple as a piece of earwax blocking the ear canal, to problems with hypertension, triglycerides, ear infections, hormonal changes (specifically in women) or chronic diseases such as heart or blood vessel problems, brain tumors, and hearing loss.

Hearing aids are one way to combat tinnitus. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

“Most patients with tinnitus tend to have other underlying problems, the main one being hearing loss. That is, most people with hearing loss present tinnitus as their initial symptom,” says Bravo.

Another major cause is excessive noise. For this reason, people who work in loud places, such as in a factory, construction site, or as musicians, can develop tinnitus over time, because the sensory cells in the inner ear are damaged.

“There is no need to be too alarmed when you hear a buzzing sound or something similar. Because fatigue, depression, anxiety, and problems with memory and concentration can also cause this discomfort. That is why it is recommended that when you notice the buzzing sound and if after approximately 24 hours it has not diminished, it is best to see a doctor,” says De León.

When to see a doctor?

Going to the doctor when the noises in your ears begin can prevent serious health problems. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

According to specialists, it is advisable to see a doctor when tinnitus is bothersome and affects your daily activities. It is also advisable when you start to notice it after suffering from an upper respiratory infection or a cold and it does not improve after a week.

“When you start to experience symptoms such as sudden hearing loss or dizziness, in addition to the ringing of tinnitus, it is best to go to the doctor as soon as possible,” says De León.

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