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Tips To Combat Dry Skin On Cold Days

dry skin

If your skin is itchy and burning in the cold, these are symptoms of dry skin. Follow these tips to prevent this.

For many, cold weather is their favorite because all you have to do is put on a sweater to be comfortable during the day. However, it is the time of year when you need to pay more attention to skincare to avoid dryness and the appearance of wrinkles.

No matter what type of skin you have, in the cold of winter, it becomes dry and irritated because it does everything possible to stay warm, so the blood vessels narrow and cause dehydration of the outer layers.

Professionals say that dehydration can be prevented by drinking enough water throughout the day, covering yourself with the right clothing from the wind, and using the right moisturizers. But how do you identify dry skin?

Symptoms of dry skin

Due to the low temperatures and heating, the skin tends to look dull and sensitive during this time. In some people, it is common for certain areas of the face to become red, such as the nose and cheekbones.

According to dermatologist Luisa Ríos, dry skin can be identified by a feeling of tightness, especially after bathing. It also looks and feels rough, and tends to cause itching and redness in some areas.

People with dry skin often feel itchy and have rough skin. (Photo: Shutterstock)

“When we talk about dry skin, in some people it can cause deep cracks that can bleed. These should be carefully monitored because they can become infected. This symptom is more common on the feet,” says the professional.

Having this type of skin is not serious and does not present major complications if you take the necessary care. Some risk factors are depending on your age, the climate where you live, and your work activity.

Dry skin is mostly suffered by people over 40 years old. This means that adults should pay more attention to their skin cleansing and moisturizing routine. Also, if you live in a dry, cold, or humid climate, or your work routine requires you to spend a lot of time in the water or exposed to strong winds, you are prone to skin irritation and dehydration.

Tips to prevent it

Make sure you give your skin the care it needs every day. In these last weeks of the year, take these tips into account so that your skin does not suffer the effects of wind and low temperatures:

Protect yourself from the cold

When outdoors or exposed to cold drafts, cover exposed skin with scarves, hats, earmuffs or gloves. Wind and cold temperatures are the main causes of dry skin, so help your body’s tissues stay protected.

Wear breathable clothing

According to dermatologist Neftalí Villanueva, it is important to wear breathable clothing during the cold season. When you have several layers of clothing on, your body always tends to sweat. The problem is when you wear clothing that does not allow perspiration or sweat evaporation, so wet clothing can cause irritation or rosacea.

It is advisable to wear clothes made of cotton or natural materials because they are cool and allow sweat to evaporate. Avoid synthetic materials because the constant friction with the skin causes permanent exfoliation and makes the skin more sensitive and dry.

Stay hydrated

Drink at least 8 glasses a day to prevent your skin from being damaged by low temperatures. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

Although it may seem like a common recommendation, it is important to take it into account because if the problem of dry skin is dehydration, the best way to counteract it is by drinking enough water that the body needs.

“Our body is made up of 72% water. So we need to help our skin stay hydrated and drink several glasses of pure water a day,” says Villanueva.

Since it is important to wash your hands from time to time, use a moisturizing cream after doing so, so that the skin on your hands does not suffer.

Use moisturizers

Moisturize your skin with creams as many times a day as you consider necessary. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

For the cold season, invest in a quality moisturizing cream, because it will keep the skin’s moist cells from escaping. It is ideal to apply it after bathing, taking advantage of the fact that the pores are dilated by the heat and will have better absorption.

But don’t get into the habit of applying moisturizer after bathing, do it as often as you consider necessary.

Use mild soaps

Avoid using soaps with alcohol, as they will dry out your skin even more. (Photo by Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

Dermatologist Ríos says that body soaps remove natural oils from the skin, which causes the skin to dry out more and become more prone to tearing. Therefore, it is advisable to use cleansing products that are mild or gentle, and do not contain alcohol or perfume.

Take care of your lips

Use natural masks to moisturize your lips during the cold season. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

Ríos explains that the lips are one of the areas most sensitive to the cold. Low temperatures cause them to burn, redden or crack, so daily hydration is also important. Daily use of lipstick can contribute to dryness, so, like your face, it needs cleansing and hydration routines at night.

“My recommendation is to use natural remedies to moisturize your lips. You can use masks made from olive oil, almond oil, sugar or cucumber,” says the dermatologist.

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