
10 Home Remedies For Toothache

Toothache is a pain that often prevents us from carrying out our daily tasks. It can affect the ear, the eye, and the entire head. Therefore, we resort to home remedies to soothe it while we make an appointment with the doctor. Specialists indicate that these natural remedies should not replace a visit to the specialist.

The disease directly affects the tooth or the tissue surrounding it, which is why it can become too strong. The causes are different for each person, but the most common are cavities and gingivitis or periodontitis, gum diseases.

According to Adolfo López, a dentist, most oral diseases are related to poor dental hygiene. For example, tooth decay. “They are bacteria in the mouth that thrive, above all, on the sugars and simple carbohydrates that we consume. We see them as a dark brown or black stain on the teeth,” he says.

In this case, the pain occurs when we consume cold or very hot drinks, and when we eat sweets since the bacteria would be gaining more strength.

Inflammation of the gums, called gingivitis, is often not treated in time and spreads to the ligaments and bones of the teeth. The discomfort, which is pain and bleeding gums, appears when we brush our teeth or eat hard foods, such as an apple.

Home remedies for toothache

Often, even if the pain is severe, it can take several hours to see a doctor. Therefore, we resort to home remedies that help to soothe the pain.

Home remedies for toothache (2)
Placing cold compresses on the cheek will help soothe the pain and reduce inflammation. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Although the most common thing is to take some kind of painkiller, there are other natural ways to reduce pain. “It should be noted that these natural remedies do not replace a visit to the doctor, since most are preventative or relieve pain,” says naturopath Andrea Gutiérrez.

  1. Brush your teeth well: one of the causes of toothache is poor oral hygiene. Many times the pain is caused by a piece of food that remains between the teeth.
  2. Mint tea: due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties, it is an ally against intense toothache. It is best consumed lukewarm.
  3. Parsley tea: This plant has antibacterial properties, which will help prevent toothache. You can also gargle with this infusion.
  4. Guava leaf tea: due to its astringent and antimicrobial properties, it also helps fight oral bacteria and maintain good dental hygiene.
  5. Black tea: placing a tea bag on the affected area is beneficial for the pain, as it is anti-inflammatory and analgesic. The idea is to moisten the tea bag in hot water and place it on the tooth several times until the pain subsides.
  6. Chamomile tea: While chamomile tea helps reduce inflammation, it is recommended to drink it when you have gingivitis.
  7. Add garlic: due to its antimicrobial properties, it can help prevent oral conditions.
  8. Cold compresses on the cheek: This will help to soothe the inflammation and pain. It is recommended to place a piece of ice, or something frozen, wrapped in a towel. It should be placed on the cheek for 20 minutes every hour.
  9. Rinse your mouth with warm water: This is one of the most popular home remedies, due to its effectiveness. You should add salt to the water since it will be the mineral in charge of fighting bacteria and reducing inflammation.
  10. Local anesthesia: Local anesthesia can be purchased at pharmacies and applied to the painful area. This should only be used when the pain is too much and the visit to the doctor will take longer than expected.

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