Applying a simple restrictive nutritional regimen, once or twice a month, helps cell regeneration and promotes longevity, without harming health and with great benefits for the body, according to some nutritionists.
Periodically restricting the food we eat, in what can be considered a less strict and restrictive and more “modern” version of traditional fasting, can be an ally of longevity, according to specialists from the European Medical Institute of Obesity (IMEO).
The traditional concept of fasting consists mainly of not eating, although it includes drinking water, some infusion or vegetable broth, but without ingesting any sugar, milk, caffeinated coffee, or juices, according to Rubén Bravo, nutrition expert and spokesperson for IMEO, who told Efe.
“It is a practice that comes from ancient times when people did not eat during fasting. One of the most extreme is the naturopathic fast of the Shaolin monks in their temples, to cultivate their mind and body, which lasts 28 days and is based on vegetable broths and other drinks,” he says.
“There are currently many types of fasting, for example, intermittent fasting, in which we choose hours (12, 16, 20 or 22) during the day where we do not eat, and another period where we eat different meals,” according to Bravo.
“Although it is called fasting, the guidelines currently established by some, such as the one that promotes longevity designed by the IMEO, include food intake, so it would be more of a restrictive nutritional guideline or one of minimal intake,” according to this expert.
“It consists of eating little, basing your diet on vegetables, and avoiding foods of animal origin and meals that are too solid, abundant or heavy,” he says.
Restricting food, either regularly or on certain occasions throughout the year, when the patient and their therapist or nutritionist consider it appropriate, “will give our digestive tract a rest and can become a strategy for treating different pathologies, and even for regulating metabolism and eliminating body fat,” the expert points out.
![Eat less for a few days to live longer](
Benefits of autophagy
One of the mechanisms triggered by fasting and which promotes longevity is autophagy (meaning ‘eating oneself’ in Greek), a cellular cleansing process that helps our body get rid of accumulated useless proteins that, in the long run, can give rise to diseases, according to IMEO specialists.
They also indicate that the main beneficial functions of autophagy will occur in the part of the cell called cytoplasm that surrounds the nucleus and has different components, such as organelles.
“During fasting, damaged organelles that no longer function properly are removed, and then these components are renewed, thereby delaying cell aging and eliminating damaged or deteriorated parts and replacing them with regenerated ones: newly created components,” explains Rubén Bravo, nutrition expert and IMEO spokesperson.
“To achieve these benefits, it is important to drink plenty of water to purify and help the lymphatic system and the renal system eliminate waste that is potentially activated when we are in periods of fasting,” adds the expert.
“You can also drink infusions, vegetable broths, coffee, and tea (without caffeine or theine), but without adding milk, sugar or sweeteners,” says Bravo.
Nutritionist Marqués suggests a fasting model that promotes longevity, rich in easily digestible vegetable protein sources and fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins, minerals, and natural antioxidants, “it is a true anti-aging pill,” she confirms.
This type of diet could be repeated, without posing a health problem, monthly or biweekly, with the consumption of proteins in at least one intake per day and proper hydration throughout the day being advisable, according to IMEO.
These fasting guidelines can also be applied once a week or once every 15 days, as well as with other frequencies. “The important thing is that the nutritionist and his patient assess what is most appropriate in each specific case, and that the guidelines designed allow the person to feel comfortable and feel better. The key is to personalize and also assess the therapeutic power of fasting, which can be very beneficial,” emphasizes Marqués.
Restrictive Fasting Pattern Example
![Eat a few days less to live longer](
To start, the nutritionist suggests a liquid but very nutritious breakfast: a shake made with almonds, chia seeds, strawberries, and banana “which will provide us with a great supply of vitamins and minerals from the first hour of the day,” she says.
“After two or three hours, you can drink orange and grapefruit juice, which are rich in fiber and vitamin C and will provide you with a good dose of energy,” she adds.
At mealtimes, “you can maintain the pattern of eating legumes combined with vegetables and protein from eggs or fish, finishing with a digestive infusion,” Marqués continues.
The dishes to choose from the three recommended by the nutritionist are:
- Chickpea salad with red pepper, tomato, cucumber chopped onion, and a can of tuna in water.
- Chickpeas sautéed with pumpkin and broccoli and a can of natural mackerel.
- Bean salad with avocado, tomato, radishes, fresh cheese and boiled egg.
She also suggests having rice soup with julienned vegetables (carrot, potato, leek, and onion) with tofu (vegan option), and pumpkin cream with sautéed whole chickpeas and hard-boiled egg.
“As a snack, you can have a protein-rich yogurt. This will allow you to increase your daily protein intake, which can be insufficient when you are fasting, and it will also provide you with calcium and vitamin D,” according to Marqués.
“We will end the day with a natural vegetable soup with very low-calorie content and diuretic properties, made from zucchini, onion, and leek; having an ounce of dark chocolate for dessert to stimulate the nocturnal secretion of serotonin,” explains the nutritionist.
Dessert for dinner on a fasting day could be replaced by one of the following options:
- A glass of semi-skimmed or skimmed milk alone or with a pinch of cinnamon or pure cocoa.
- Natural soy or coconut yogurt.
- Vegetable drink based on nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts) without added sugar.
- Handful of natural or toasted almonds or three walnuts.
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