
Orthodontics Also Helps Adults

Orthodontic treatment not only has aesthetic benefits but can also have advantages from a practical point of view. German orthodontist Hans-Jürgen Köning explains that teeth that are too close together are more difficult to brush and such a situation can lead to a higher risk of gum inflammation.

Over the years, some people have seen their teeth shift, a phenomenon that is not spared even by those who have worn braces in the past. One reason for this may be that the emergence of wisdom teeth puts pressure on other teeth, explains Köning, who is also president of the Professional Association of Orthodontists in Germany. In young adults, changes in growth can lead to misalignment of teeth.

Orthodontic treatment may also be necessary to improve the stability of a bridge. “In this case, the orthodontist works with the dentist,” explains Köning. He first straightens the so-called abutment teeth before placing the bridge.

Whatever the reason for wearing one type of brace or another, an orthodontist has to assess whether the jaw will allow the correction. “If you are a heavy smoker, for example, you run the risk of bone loss, so you have to be careful,” explains Dirk Kropp, managing director of the ProDente initiative.

orthodontics in adults
Orthodontics is not a question of age. Photo Prensa Libre: Peter Vogt/proDente eV/ DPA

What is clear is that orthodontic correction is more difficult as an adult and requires more patience than in youth. “The processes for shaping the bone are the same” regardless of age, explains orthodontist Köning. But in adults, it takes a little longer. In pregnant women, however, it is quicker, he adds.

As a rule, fixed braces are the preferred choice for treatment, says Köning. “This allows for more precise movement of certain teeth or groups of teeth,” he says. In addition, the person does not have to be disciplined and remember to put the braces on every time. Removable braces are only used in rare cases.

orthodontics in adults
Braces are less visible if they are placed on the inside of the teeth. Photo Prensa Libre: Franziska Gabbert/DPA

According to experts, hygiene is extremely important for people with fixed braces. “There are many more gaps where food residue can get stuck, so the braces have to be cleaned with special instruments,” Köning emphasizes. In this respect, it is better if the braces are placed on the inside of the denture. However, this is much less comfortable and can cause speech problems.

orthodontics in adults
Plastic splints are barely noticeable, but they are not suitable for all cases of crooked teeth. Photo Prensa Libre: Andrea Warnecke/ DPA

An alternative is removable plastic aligners, which are called aligners. However, according to Köning, they are not suitable for all cases of crooked teeth. Adults like to choose this option because it is invisible and can be temporarily removed. However, “you have to wear it for 22 hours,” the orthodontist insists.

For some people, wearing braces can sometimes be painful, according to experts. “It presses on the hardest substance in the body and is also anchored in the jaw. It cannot work without pressure,” Kropp adds.

When the treatment is completed, a retainer is placed, i.e. a wire that the doctor glues from the inside for permanent stability. This prevents the corrected area from returning to its previous position.

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