skin spots

Which Skin Spots Are Dangerous?

Pigmentation problems are related to the abnormal functioning of melanin, which causes hyperpigmentation (dark spots on the skin) or hypopigmentation (white spots) on the skin.

They all tend to cause concern to those who suffer from them, whether for aesthetic reasons or because they may be signs of some other more complex disease.

It is therefore important to mention that all skin spots should be evaluated by a medical professional.

It is important to check if the spots or “moles” have the following characteristics. To do this, we share with you the “ABCDE” of skin cancer.

  • Asymmetry.  If when dividing the lesion into four quadrants we see that they are not equal, we should consult.
  • Irregular borders.  Unlike a normal mole, where the border can be perfectly traced, malignant lesions may have irregularities.
  • Coloration. If the lesion has several colors, including dark brown, blackish, grayish, or even bluish areas, this is one of the details that should attract attention when examining a mole.
  • Diameter.  If it exceeds six millimeters in diameter, you should consult.
  • Evolution. If the growth of the lesion has been accelerated or abrupt, you should seek medical attention.


The causes of hyperpigmentation include several: those related to sun exposure or age (solar or senile lentigines), those related to hormonal changes or oral contraceptives (Melasma), and those related to phototoxic substances or skin lesions (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation).

When we talk about hypopigmented lesions, we can mention conditions such as vitiligo or albinism. Some systemic diseases may also present with skin spots (insulin resistance). And finally, as we always remember, you should go to a specialist because it could be a malignant lesion, which if treated in time, has a good prognosis.


Use sun protection, with products that have a sun protection factor of at least 50+ and reapply it constantly (every 4-6 hours depending on sun exposure). At the same time, if you are exposed to the sun, use physical means such as t-shirts with UV protection, hats, sunglasses, etc.

You can take dietary supplements (capsules or tablets) before and during sun exposure to provide added protection.

If you are starting any hormonal treatment or are pregnant, remember to use your sunscreen and check if you have any type of spots so that you can get early treatment.

Avoid causing skin injury (avoid picking if you have acne, or chafed areas in skin folds ) to prevent post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

If you start to develop skin spots, consult your specialist to rule out any other systemic disease. Insulin resistance, hormonal problems, etc., could present with changes in the color and texture of the skin.

Remember that the causes of skin spots vary, so the approach is also variable. The most important thing is that you go to a skin specialist, be patient, and allow your lesion to be evaluated so that the best approach can be suggested for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

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