In addition to being an activity through which people have fun, express themselves, and interact with other people, dancing offers various health benefits, such as eliminating stress, lowering cholesterol, and preventing Alzheimer’s. Dancing is an option for staying fit without age restrictions. Many people have tried it at a party and felt how their mood and energy have increased. Therefore, the benefits should not be limited to certain occasions but should be made part of the daily routine.
Mixing rhythmic movements with different styles of music can be beneficial for your health if you practice it consistently. Below are some benefits of dancing that have been endorsed by specialists.
1. Strengthens the heart
According to cardiologist Edgar Hernandez, dancing is a cardiovascular exercise that stimulates the heart to pump blood to increase its distribution to all tissues. With this action, the organ increases its long-term efficiency and improves its physical quality.

In addition, the likelihood of suffering a heart attack or other cardiovascular diseases is reduced because a better-conditioned heart reduces atherosclerosis, which is the accumulation of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the walls of the arteries, which restricts blood flow.
2. Lowers cholesterol
If your doctor has recommended that you exercise to lower your cholesterol levels, but you don’t like going to the gym or going for a walk, dancing can be a good option because if you do it as a constant and moderate activity, it can mobilize body fat and eliminate glycogen.

“Dancing can lower cholesterol if you do it as an aerobic or moderate exercise. That is, you should do this activity for a minimum of 30 minutes a day and with constant effort, three times a week,” says general practitioner William Alarcón.
3. Helps with weight loss
This activity also helps you lose weight because, according to Alarcón, when you exercise, first the sugar in your blood starts to be consumed, then the glycogen stored in the muscles and liver. Then, you start to lose fat. Because of this process, it is important to do it consistently and with gradual strength.

4. Helps to have better intestinal transit
When people lead a sedentary lifestyle, intestinal peristalsis is reduced. Therefore, when people are less active, their intestines are also less active and they may suffer from constipation or a lot of gas. Therefore, “for those who suffer from these health problems, in addition to drinking water, they should do an exercise routine, which can be dancing, to have better intestinal transit,” says Alarcón.

5. Fight Alzheimer’s
Dancing is a process of coordination between your feet, hands, and your entire body, which makes you use both hemispheres of the brain. By doing so, neurons that are not normally used are activated. That is, if you are left-handed, you will only be using the left hemisphere of your brain.

“When you dance, you are analyzing the space in which you are moving and this activates the spatial area of the brain. So, in addition to coordinating all your limbs, you are seeing the person you are dancing with, there is an emotional connection and you are aware of the rhythm of the music. These actions activate many areas of the brain, which prevents Alzheimer’s from progressing,” explains psychologist Evelyn Morataya.
6. Eliminate stress
Just like any physical activity, dancing releases endorphins that cause feelings of pleasure, tranquility, and relaxation, which causes stress and feelings of isolation to decrease.

It also contributes to the regulation of serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that prevent depression.
7. Increases energy level
Dancing strengthens the muscles and even when they are at rest they store energy and remain active, as if they were doing the same activity. So, the more you dance, the stronger the muscles become and the more energy they produce.

“By eliminating stress and having that feeling of well-being, you will sleep better, which helps the nervous system to regenerate. This way, you will be able to wake up rested and with more energy the next day,” says Morataya.
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